Monday, June 22, 2009

22nd June 2009, Couch Mating Season Begins Early

It seems as though the curious weather Perth has been playing havoc with the breeding patterns of some of the local fauna. The common river couch (pictured above) has started its mating season early this year, which usually begins in early September. Couch biologist Maddie Upname presumes that the extended warmth into autumn this year is causing this curious behavior.

"We are worried that the eggs will hatch during the winter storms and the couchlings won't make it through to maturity," Dr Upname says. "The common river couch is a highly endangered species of course, so there is great cause for conern." The river couch was highly prized for its dazzling colours of its skin and sturdy skeleton which was made into furnishings for homes.

Dr Upname said that her and her team will be monitoring the couch's progress through the winter. She asks that anyone spotting a couch to contact her with the details of the sighting.

1 comment:

  1. Do you have an update on this story? I am interest in learning the fate of the couchlings
