Wednesday, July 15, 2009

15th July 2009, God Exists, was hiding out in the Swan Brewery

Historians have long hypothesised the existence of a lost vat room in the Swan Brewery in Perth but have only just today found it. After a partial collapse of the foundations during construction, one area was abandoned and the area was built over. Upon opening the room some say that saw a shadowy figure lurking in the room. This figure turned out to be god.
"Wow I'm glad to be out of there, gets a bit chilly in the winter" exclaimed god. One of our trusty reporters was one the scene to ask more.

"How did you become trapped down there?" asks Fibber McNoseypants (FM).

god: "Well just after I built it I thought I deserved a drink, so I went down to grab one, and lo and behold, the bloody thing collapsed on me."

FM: "You built the brewery?"

god: "Hahaha yeah, probably should have done a better job. Built the thing back in 1867".

FM: "I thought it was built in 1837 or there abouts?"

god: "Oh no.. I mean, I created everything in 1867, the universe, earth, quarks... I left this brewery until last, I was pretty knackered at this point so thats probably why it fell down.

FM: "Wait, the world was created in 1867?"

god: "Yeah. I just made everything look like it was older than it was. I mean who would go to a brewery that hasn't been around for at least 30 years. Most of the other stuff was just to take the piss. I mean dinosaurs.. come on! Someone was tripping on something when they dreamed up them. All I did was chuck some leftover bones in the ground."

FM: "You know this goes against pretty much all world views about the age of the universe, be it 16 billion or 6000 years?"

god: "Of course I know that. Telepathy you see. 16 billion, can you even imagine that number, bah! And six thousand, well that was just dumb. Adding up all the dudes ages in the bible. I mean wtf!"

FM: "You raise a good point here. I assume you created the bible since you created everything else. Why did you do that?"

god: "To take the piss. I thought I told you this already."

FM: "Ok. Let me get this straight. You can create anything, you know everything and yet you got stuck in a lost room in a brewery for a century and a half. Why didn't you get yourself out?"

god: "Well you see I have a few thousand of these universe things going at any one time, thought I'd have a break from it all for a while."

FM: "Well god, its be enlightening. Thankyou for your time."

god: "Actually to be fair, I didn't create time, that was Zeus. I kind suck at making temporal dimensions, more of a spatial dimension man myself. Thats why I gave this universe 10 of them.

FM: "Isn't there only 3 spatial dimensions?"

god: "Fuck, I stuffed this one up too."

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